It is time for an adventure! Sign up for Summer Reading program and choose a book for your our home library to get you started.
There are many ways to search for specific records in the states on Ancestry, in free magazines, and at local sites. Bring your family tree and specific states you wish to research.
CHOW is the Teton County Health Department's Community Health Outreach Worker Program. The CHOW Program will provide support with medical financial hardship applications and community resources navigation.
Bring your questions, family trees, and brick walls. This will be a work time. Together we will look for sources and records. We can also design a plan for your research.
Abriendo Puertas/ Opening Doors Online and In-person
Abiendo Puertas desarrolla habilidades de liderazgo y de conocimiento de los padres a través de capacitaciones presenciales y virtuales para promover el bienestar familiar y los resultados positivos en los niños.