Teton Photography Club: Scavenger Hunt

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Program Description

Event Details

Scavenger Hunt Reminder

We are doing something new this month with the Teton Photography Club's first ever scavenger hunt. Read the rules below, then get shooting! Submissions are due July 17th.

Members like you have been asking for something new and fun and social, so here we go with the TPC’s first Photo Scavenger Hunt!

Here’s how it works:

1)   Take a look at the categories.
2)   Get out and shoot.
3)   Submit your entries for fun and prizes.

The only hard and fast rule is that the Photo Scavenger Hunt ends July 17th.

Here are the all-important categories.

Scavenger Hunt Categories

1.   Light-special or exceptional use of light

2.   Majestic-something mighty or majestic

3.   Blur-ICM or out of focus or you being creative

4.   Silhouette-backlight subject

5.   Opposites-of any type

6.   Curve(s)

7.   Vintage-the look or the subject matter

8.   Small-maybe very small
9.   Flame- the fiery kind

10.  Chiaroscuro- from the Italian words chiaro (meaning “clear” or “bright”) and scuro(meaning “obscure”' or “dark”). The technique focuses on shadows and a single source of light to achieve depth and tone.

You can use your “big” camera, your phone, a pinhole camera, or your friend’s camera.  It’s about the Hunt!  Invite a friend to join you and make a fun day of it.  Our Facebook page will have folks organizing teams if you want to join in with other Members!

Your images must be uploaded to the Dropbox link by July 17th (11:59 PM) in time for the July 18th meeting.

Win Prizes!

Winners will be selected by Member vote at the July meeting and are based on how well images fit the category and if they have a sense of humor or special artistic quality to them. “Fit the category” is up to your creativity and interpretation. Members must be able to understand what you’re doing. There will be 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place awards for each category. You get a point just for entering a category. So DON’T hold back!

Submit 1 photograph for each category.  You do not have to enter every category, but why not?  You get one point for each photo entered, and the Members judging will award you more…maybe…:)  Remember, one image per category.

Only submit photos taken between now and July 17th.
Minimal post-processing please.
No composites; that ruins the fun of the hunt, doesn’t it?

To Upload:
Here's the Dropbox link for submitting your images. You don't have to wait until you have a full set. Submit them as you collect them, which will help us get them organized by the meeting on the 18th.

Scavenger Hunt submission link: https://bit.ly/NCC2023Hunt
File Naming Convention: FML_CATEGORY_TITLE.jpg

Where FML are your initials(PLEASE use X if you only have 2 initials so FML is EXACTLY 3 letters).

·       Submit images as jpgs


·       Minimum 1800 pixels in long dimension


·       No borders, signatures, etc.

Scavenger Hunt

Tuesday, July 18th 6:30 pm

at the

Teton County Library

and Via Zoom

All the TPC Regular Monthly meetings for 2023 will be using the same Zoom meeting Id and login.

Meeting ID: 817 3336 8911

Passcode: 889834

