Climate of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem: Past, Present, and Future

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Purpose of Meeting

A Greater Yellowstone climate presentation by Jen Pierce, PhD, an author on the GYE Climate Assessment Report of 2021. For more information about the report, visit
Dr. Jen Pierce is an Associate Professor at Boise State in the Department of Geosciences, where she has been since 2005. Her research focuses on wildfires, climate change, and landscape response; she is also committed to improving climate science education and outreach. Dr. Pierce grew up in Colorado and Wyoming, and received her undergraduate degree from The Colorado College, her master’s degree from the University of Oregon, and her PhD from the University of New Mexico. Dr. Pierce serves on the Board of Directors for the Idaho Environmental Forum and Friends of the Teton River.

This presentation is part of the Teton Valley Idaho Master Naturalist core curriculum. Open to the public.